☁️ Why integrate Mayday in Salesforce

📕 Presentation

Discover on this content the benefits of integrating Mayday with Salesforce.

The main objective of linking your Mayday account to your Salesforce account is to be able to access your knowledge base on each Salesforce ticket and allow your advisors to benefit from additional features (automations, insertion of suggested answers, etc.) to facilitate their use of Mayday.


  • 📕 Presentation
  • 📚 Access your knowledge base directly on Salesforce
  • ⬅ Automatically import Salesforce Knowledge content into Mayday
  • 🤖 Proactively suggest content to your advisors
  • 💬 Insert suggested answers into the customer ticket box

Mayday and Salesforce use a secure oAuth connection to retrieve an access token to SF, consume the API and retrieve custom attributes.

To integrate Mayday with Salesforce, follow the following procedure → 🔗 How to integrate Mayday in Salesforce

📚 Access your knowledge base directly on Salesforce

Integrating Mayday into Salesforce allows your advisors to access their Mayday knowledge base directly in their Salesforce workspace.

Mayday is accessible on the Salesforce interface via the Google Chrome extension.

Capture d’écran 2023-02-07 à 11.49.14.png

Automatically import Salesforce Knowledge content into Mayday

Once the integration is done, you can also: import Salesforce Knowledge content into Mayday using the Salesforce importer.

For more details, see the following article → ☁️ Salesforce Importer

🤖 Proactively suggest content to your advisors

In order to bring the right knowledge to your advisor at the right time, integrating Mayday with Salesforce allows you to set up automation rules based on the keywords contained in the customer ticket.

To do this, you must import the attributes of your Salesforce tickets of your choice.

→ Follow the following procedure to create automation rules:

🤖 How to set up Mayday automation rules for Salesforce

💬 Insert suggested answers into the customer ticket box

Integrating Mayday with Salesforce allows you to insert suggested answers created in advance on a guide scale directly into the advisor's response box, using the Chrome extension.

To create a suggested answer, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the guide of your choice;

  2. Click on the ““ icon to the left of the guide;

    📸 View the icon to insert a suggested answer

  1. Write the suggested answer to the advisor in the blue box that appears.

Example of suggested answer created on the administrator interface:

Capture d’écran 2023-02-07 à 11.54.09.png

When the advisor consults the guide and goes to the relevant step, he can directly insert the suggested answer by clicking on the rocket icon 🚀 to the left of the modal containing the answer.

Example of suggested answer on the advisor side:

The advisor clicked on the "Process a payment problem" guide and then on the guide step containing a suggested answer. The answer opens via a modal on the left side of the extension.

Capture d’écran 2023-02-07 à 12.01.58.png

🌟 Coming soon: the creation of a suggested answer will soon be available in article format!

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