Editing features

Discover in this article the features to edit your content.

Mayday offers you the possibility to enhance your content through several editing features.

To make your content readable and understandable in a few seconds, we advise you to use all the options available to you.

The sooner your advisors consult the contents of your knowledge base, the shorter the processing time will be in the interest of your customers.

Use writing features

To enter content, simply start writing. To integrate a writing feature, you have two options:

  • Click on the "+" icon;

  • Type "/".

Capture d’écran 2022-12-23 à 17.08.17.png

Both actions will give you access to the list of writing features.

Capture d’écran 2022-12-23 à 17.10.00.png

If you want to modify the format of an existing text, simply insert a space and then type "/" before or after the word or phrase you want to modify.

📸 Modify the format of an existing content

🎨 List of writing features

Title 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Attached file
Unordered list
Ordered list
Mayday content (redirection links)
Mayday user
Dropdown list
Table of contents

Modify the formatting of an existing text

When content already exists, you can modify its formatting by double-clicking on the targeted word(s) to access an editing bar.

Capture d’écran 2022-12-26 à 21.25.01.png

The available features are as follows:

  • Bold / italic

  • Underline / strikethrough

  • Code

  • Text alignment: left, center, right

  • Ordered / unordered list

  • Highlighted text

  • Text color

  • URL link: by clicking on the word attached to the URL link, it is possible to:

    • Open the link

    • Change the link title

    • Remove the link

Mayday allows you to create links specific to certain passages of your content to:

  • redirect your advisors to a specific location by inserting the link within a content or notification;

  • share these links between administrators and collaborate even more effectively!

To take advantage of this feature, follow these steps:

  1. Place your cursor to the left of the passage you are interested in;

  2. Click on the four blue dots that appear;

  3. Click on "Copy link to block" → the URL is automatically copied;

  4. Then insert the link behind a word of your choice within a content or notification to redirect your advisors to this block or share the link directly between administrators!

Capture d’écran 2023-03-15 à 11.48.57.png

You can only create links to blocks only on a textual part in "paragraph" or "Title" format.

It is not possible to create a specific link from a dropdown list, a table, a tooltip or a redirection link.

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