🟨 Create an article

Discover on this content the use of an article and the way to create it.

An article allows to write a simple traditional content to focuson a specific theme or procedure.

An article contains precise information, the important thing to remember must be highlighted so that a Z reading allows to find the desired information.

An article will always be identified by a yellow visual:

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The "article" format is distinguished from the "guide" format, an interactive decision tree that allows to break down long and complex procedures into several steps → 🟦 Create a guide

🎯 Use cases

  • Create simple content for different types of knowledge: short and simple procedures, daily procedures, memo sheets, informative content, news / newsletter, educational content...

Create an article

An article can only be created within a collection → see the article 📁 Create a collection

There is no limit on the number of articles that can be created within a simple or nested structure collection.

To create an article, follow these steps:

  1. Select the collection in which to integrate your article;

  2. Click on "Add an element";

  3. Choose "Article";

  4. Give a name to your article;

  5. Your article has just been created;

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  1. You can open it to start editing the content.

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At its creation, the article is automatically labeled as “Draft” and "To be verified" → see the articles ✅ Publish a content and 👁️ Verify a content

A content with the "Draft" label will not be visible to advisors.

Article features

When creating your article, it is in "Draft" mode. At this stage, you can simply write a simple content.

If you click on "Draft" to change its status to "Published", you will see new icons. Each icon has a specificity that allows you to feed the content to increase its performance in the interest of advisors.

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You also have access to the name of the content creator, as well as the date of the last update. By clicking on this information, a modal will appear on the right to give you access to:

  • the name of the author and the date of creation of the content;

  • the history of updates (date of update and name of the editor);

  • the total number of contributors to the content.

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📝 List of features

Icon "Edit aliases" Capture d’écran 2023-05-03 à 14.39.37.png
Icon "Create a notification to report changes" Capture d’écran 2023-05-03 à 14.41.40.png
Icon “Edit the verification settings of this content” Capture d’écran 2023-05-03 à 14.43.10.png
Icon “Set a publication date” capture_da_ei_cran_2023_12_26_ai_16_08_03___68nlne1as6izeoyc.png
Icon “Rename” Capture d’écran 2023-05-03 à 14.44.33.png
Icon “Display settings for this content” Capture d’écran 2023-05-03 à 14.48.58.png

💡 Additional features

Once your article is created, on the content page, you can perform several actions by clicking on the three dots "..." at the top right of the page:

  • Open the content settings;

  • Copy the content URL;

  • Display the content version history;

  • Create a template from this content to take over its structure;

  • Archive the content (it will be possible to restore it later);

  • Permanently delete the content.

📸 View possible actions

It is also possible to clone the content within the same knowledge base or another knowledge base.

To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the collection page containing the content;

  2. Click on the three dots "..." to the right of the content;

    📸 View the page

  1. Select the knowledge base and then the collection / sub-collection in which you want to insert the cloned content.

  2. Click on "Select" and then on "Validate".

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