✅ Publish a content

Discover on this content the features to publish your content.

An article or a guide can be categorized in two possible ways:

  • Draft

  • Published

👉 An article or a guide, when created, will automatically be considered as "Draft" until the status is manually changed by an admin, or automatically via the implementation of a publication date.

👉 Conversely, a collection will be, by default, directly published. The collection will therefore be empty until articles/guide are integrated and published.

🎯 Use cases

  • Publish complete and up-to-date content to make it instantly accessible to your advisors.

  • Put content back in draft when it is obsolete or when you want to make a significant modification.

"Draft" status

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A draft content is not visible on the knowledge base and is therefore not available for consultation by advisors.

The goal is therefore to allow the administrator to create their content until it is ready to be made available to advisors.


"Published" status

Capture d’écran 2022-12-16 à 18.48.08.png

A published content is visible on the knowledge base and is therefore available for consultation by advisors.


🚦 Change the status of your content

To change the status of your content Draft <> Published, you have 2 possibilities:

  1. Click on the term "Draft" or "Published" so that the status is changed and the content is made visible or invisible to advisors directly.

  2. Set a publication date so that the content is published on a specific date.



It is also possible to put content back in draft from a verification process (see 👁️ Verify a content )


It is recommended to update published content rather than putting it back in "Draft" during the modification process because advisors will no longer have access to the process until it is republished. This rule applies in case of minor modification.

💡Tips for a global overhaul following content obsolescence

We recommend that you remove the article or guide while it is being updated, and then notify your teams of the changes using the "Notification" feature, which you can find all the information in the article 🔔 Send a notification to the users

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