📣 Deal a feedback in the Hub

Discover on this content how to receive and manage feedback from advisors in the Mayday Hub.

Feedbacks from advisors is valuable for continuously optimizing your knowledge base.

This feature allows you to give voice to advisors in the field to allow them to submit feedback when they notice that a procedure is no longer up to date, that certain information is incorrect, or that the desired operating mode cannot be found.

Committing to respect the knowledge lifecycle, is optimizing the productivity and quality of your customer service !

🎯 Use cases

  • Involve advisors in continuous optimization of the knowledge base.

  • Collaboratively, harmoniously, and optimally manage feedback from your advisors.

📩 Receive feedback

An administrator is able to receive feedback if their role holds at least one of the following permissions:

  • Feedback (to receive feedback on an individual basis);

  • Global feedback (to receive feedback sent to all members of their role).

If you want to find all the information related to roles and permissions, go to 👤 Create roles - access to the features

When feedback is sent to you on an individual basis or to all members with the same role as you, a red dot appears in the "Tasks" tab of the general administrator interface.

📸 View the "Tasks" tab on the administrator interface

An email is also sent to you to inform you that an advisor has sent you feedback and containing, if applicable, a link to the content to which it is related.

📸 View an example of feedback reception email

🎛 Process feedback in the Hub

As soon as you receive all this feedback, it must then be administered in a coordinated manner between your teams!

This is where the Mayday Hub, also known as the Task Center, comes into play!

To learn more about the Mayday Hub, consult the dedicated article 📌 Manage your tasks in the Hub

As soon as you receive feedback from an advisor, a task will be immediately created in the Hub in the "Backlog" column. The status of the task will evolve according to its processing: "To do", "In progress", "Done".

You only have to drag the feedback card from one status to another depending on the progress of its processing.

When you move a card from the Mayday Hub from the Backlog column to another column, the user who originated the feedback will receive a notification attesting that you are processing their feedback.

Consult the content of the MISSING CONTENT to learn more about feedback management from the advisor's side.

In the general view of the Hub, it is possible to consult the following information for each task:

  • The title of the task;

  • The date of issue;

  • Quick access to the attached content;

  • The knowledge base on which the task was registered;

  • Its author;

  • The comment;

  • The administrator in charge of its processing or the global role recipient of the feedback.

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By clicking on a task, you can open the window dedicated to this task to analyze its parameters in detail:

  • Define the status of the task (it is also possible to modify the status by dragging the task from one column to another without opening it);

  • 🔍 Consult the date of the task, the user who created it, the group, role, label of this user;

  • 🗣 Get information about the name of the author of the feedback and their group;

  • 🙋 Assign a responsible person who will be in charge of considering the feedback and processing it. This person will receive an email or a notification informing them that a task has been assigned to them;

    To be informed that a task has been assigned to them, an administrator must have previously activated the sending of notifications and emails in the "Notifications" section then "Hub" in the settings of their Mayday account.

    📸 View an example of notification
    📸 View an example of email

  • Access the content linked to the task by clicking on "Consult";

  • Directly exchange with the advisor who submitted the feedback by clicking on "Reply" in the discussion thread;

    If you initiate a discussion thread on a task, a notification will be sent to the interlocutor and will allow them to respond directly.

    You can modify your response once sent by clicking on the dedicated icon. The advisor will be informed of the latest version of your message.

    Capture d’écran 2023-05-13 à 21.07.02.png

    📌 Write an internal note, not visible to the advisor, by clicking on "Add a note" to write yourself a reminder message or to address a note to your colleagues by mentioning them directly via an "@".

    📸 View an example of internal note
  • Like the feedback and notify the advisor to show your gratitude;

    Liking a card will send a notification directly to the advisor who originated the feedback to show your gratitude.

  • 🗑 Archive tasks (you can consult and restore archived tasks at any time).

These actions can be performed regardless of the status of the task.

By clicking on the feedback card, you can fully view the message sent and the information related to this feedback:

Capture d’écran 2023-05-05 à 17.14.56.png

🎛 You can apply filters at the top right of the Hub to refine the display of tasks based on the following criteria:

  • 👥 The roles receiving feedback;

  • 🙋‍♂ The feedback managers;

  • 📌 The initial feedback managers (initially chosen by the advisor);

  • 📆 The date of creation of the tasks;

  • 📚 The knowledge base (very useful if some feedback is specific to knowledge bases managed by sub-teams);

  • 🗑 The archive library to consult and restore archived tasks.

On their side, the advisor can consult the history of their feedback and their processing status in real time on their interface.

📸 View feedback tracking from the advisor's side

📌 Collaborate around feedback via the Hub

When you receive feedback in the Mayday Hub, or "Tasks" tab of your administrator interface, you can collaborate between administrators around feedback.

📸 View the tab to access the task center

1⃣ Mention a collaborator on a feedback card

When you click on a feedback card, Mayday allows you to respond to the advisor who submitted the feedback or to add an internal note by clicking on the dedicated button:

Capture d’écran 2023-05-05 à 15.40.02.png

This internal note allows you to:

  • Write a message to one or more collaborators to ask them for information about the advisor's feedback or to share any element that could help them process the feedback;

  • Mention the collaborator(s) who will receive the internal note by typing "@" so that they are notified by Mayday notification or email;

  • Attach a file to your comment, by clicking on the "📎" icon.

    📸 View how to attach a file

Internal Note GIF.gif

You can also leave an internal note on feedback for yourself as a memo note before processing feedback or responding to the advisor.

This internal note will not be visible to the advisor, but only to administrators with access to the task center.

2⃣ Be notified of a mention on a feedback card

In the “ Settings” tab of your Mayday account, in the “Alerts and notifications” section, you can activate “notifications when a comment is made on a task” to be notified in your notifications area:

  • of a mention of your name on a feedback;

  • of the addition of an internal note on a feedback to which you have contributed or which has been assigned to you;

  • of a new response from the issuing advisor of the feedback.

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You can choose either one or both of these channels by checking the specific boxes for each channel.

The channel selection is valid for all users linked to the Mayday account and not just on an individual basis.

📣 Communicate about feedback with your advisors

You can like and comment on feedback, especially in the following cases:

  • An advisor has sent you feedback but some details are missing? Don't wait, ask them! They will receive the notification instantly and will be able to respond to you directly from their Mayday interface.

  • You want to congratulate an advisor for their very relevant feedback that allows you to continuously improve your knowledge base? Give them the praise they deserve!

  • Feedback has been sent to you but you want to discuss it with another administrator to agree? This is also possible!

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The feedback issuer will be notified on their notifications center as soon as you like, comment or modify the task processing status.


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