🔔 Send a notification to the users

Discover on this content how to send notifications to your advisors.

The notifications feature allows you to keep your advisors informed about changes in the knowledge base or news, by sending them a message directly on their Mayday interface.

There are two types of notifications:

  • Standard notifications;

  • Urgent notifications.

🎯 Use case

  • Communicate directly and instantly with your advisors in their Mayday space!

  • Send notifications to your advisors to inform them of an event impacting the knowledge base or production:

    • Update of a content;

    • News about the company;

    • Addition of new content;

    • Removal of content;

    • Production incident;

    • Important or urgent information.

  • Identify the advisors who read the notifications.

Send a standard notification

On each content, article or diagnosis, an icon 🔔 is available to create a notification.

  • For an article, the notification will concern the entire content.

  • For a diagnosis, the notification will be effective at the level of the diagnosis step on which you are at the time of clicking on the dedicated icon.

Capture d’écran 2023-01-09 à 16.08.44.png

After clicking on the icon 🔔, a window opens to allow you to configure your notification:

  1. Notification title (required): we recommend that you define a methodology for naming your notifications:

    • [New] - Procedure XXX;

    • [Update] - Procedure XXX;

  2. Message to communicate (required): be as explicit as possible so that the information is quickly and well assimilated by the advisors:

    • Provide context justifying this notification;

    • In case of modification, specify the paragraph concerned.

  3. Attachment: allows you to send a file or screenshot to further contextualize the notification;

  4. Tags (optional): allows you to categorize your alerts;

  5. Groups (required): allows you to target one or more advisor groups in order to send the alert only to the advisors concerned;

  6. Urgent (optional): this button is disabled by default and should only be activated if the notification is urgent;

  7. Link the content being read (active by default): allows advisors to be redirected directly to the content targeted by the notification.

📸 View step-by-step creation of a notification

Before validating the sending of the notification, a summary window presents you with the final configuration.

If the information is correct, click on "Send" otherwise, click on "Previous".

If you do not want to link your notification to a specific content, you can either:

  • uncheck the "Link the content being read" option;

  • go to the notification center and click on the "+" button at the bottom left.

    📸 View the notification center

The advisor will receive the notification directly in the notifications tab 🔔:




In addition, a pop-up will open on the Web Page:


If content is linked to the notification, the advisor can click on the "Consult the content" button to go directly to the content concerned.

💡 Consult the content of the MISSING CONTENT to learn more about managing notifications on the advisor side.

🚨 Send an urgent notification

When creating a notification, you can qualify this notification as "Urgent". To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the 🔔 icon on a content scale or the "+" button in the notification center, as for creating a standard notification;

  2. Activate the "Urgent" button.

Unlike the standard notification, sent in the dedicated tab, an urgent notification will be displayed at the top of the advisor interface by a red banner.

Example of an urgent notification on the full-page interface:


Example of an urgent notification on the Chrome extension (or Zendesk panel):



You can send several urgent notifications at the same time. The advisor will have to unroll the banner to read all the messages.

An "urgent" notification will be visible to advisors until it is deleted.

To delete an urgent notification, you must go to the notification center, click on the urgent notification and disable the "Visible" button. The notification will disappear instantly from the advisor interface. You can make it visible again at any time.

Capture d’écran 2023-02-20 à 11.27.14.png

👓 View notifications and their read rate

1⃣ Find notifications

In your general menu, click on "Notifications for advisors" to find the complete list of all notifications previously sent.

📸 View access to the notifications tab

Capture d’écran 2022-12-29 à 17.48.19.png

2⃣ Analyze a notification

By consulting the details of each notification, you have the possibility to find the following information:

  • The title and message sent;

  • The sending date;

  • The sender of the message;

  • The recipient advisor group(s);

  • The read rate of the notification: this rate corresponds to the percentage of advisors who confirmed reading on all advisors who received the notification.

📸 View a notification that has not yet been consulted
📸 View a notification that has been consulted by all advisors

The color management of the read rate bar is applied as follows:

  • 🔴 If the read rate is <10%

  • 🟠 If the read rate is <75%

  • 🟢 If the read rate is >75%

An "urgent" notification will not present a read rate since we consider, given the display system of the latter, that it will be necessarily consulted by all targeted advisors.

3⃣ Identify advisors with a "read" / "unread" consultation

If you want to obtain the list of users who have read or not your notification, simply click on "Details":

  • "Read": this list presents the advisors who confirmed reading the notification.

  • "Unread": this list presents the advisors who have not confirmed reading the notification.

Capture d’écran 2023-02-20 à 11.29.50.png

This information is very useful for creating a coincidence with quality issues of an advisor (application of an obsolete process, speech error...).

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