🌎 User Guide | Use the extension Mayday Widget

Discover on this content how to navigate within the Mayday extension on Google Chrome.

After logging in, you have access to the general menu of the Mayday extension which is composed of five tabs:


🎯 Use case

  • Allow your advisors to access your knowledge base from any Chrome page.

  • Open Mayday, search directly among all your processes and find the answer to your questions in record time!

  • Save time for your advisors and reduce DMT!

You can open and close the Chrome extension with the shortcut: ctrl (cmd for Mac) + shift + k.

🏠 “Home” tab

The entire knowledge base is accessible from this tab.

Navigation can be done in two distinct ways:

  • Easily navigate from collection to collection to access an article or diagnosis.

  • Use the search bar to find the content you are looking for using keywords or labels.

The article will be displayed in a modal while the diagnosis will open directly in the extension.

📸 View the “Home” tab

“Favorites” tab

This tab allows you to find the list of articles and diagnoses identified as "favorites" to access the content you consult most often in a flash!

To integrate content into this page, simply click on the icon " which is located

  • When hovering over content (article or diagnosis);

  • On the left sidebar when viewing an article.

📸 View the “Favorites” tab
📸 View how to add an article to favorites
📸 View how to add a diagnosis to favorites

🔔 “Notifications” tab

This page allows you to find all the notifications sent by administrators.

  • Be instantly aware of the latest updates made to your knowledge base or important information that may impact the responses you provide to customers!

Notifications are refreshed with each URL change.

This is where notification recipients must confirm their reading by clicking on the notification to remove the blue dot on the right side of the message.

Depending on the settings made by the sender, it is possible to directly access the content targeted by this notification in a single click thanks to the "View the modification" button. To learn everything about notifications.

Urgent notification

When a notification is indicated as urgent, a banner appears at the bottom of the panel.

📸 View the “Notifications” tab
📸 View the display of a standard notification
📸 View the display of an urgent notification

📣 “Feedback” tab

This tab allows advisors to provide feedback to a single administrator or a group of administrators based on roles to make a request to create or modify existing content.

It is possible to create general feedback or feedback specific to content, using the "Link the content being read" checkbox.

Feedback can also be sent directly through an article being viewed by clicking on the "" icon located in the left sidebar of the content.

In the event that an advisor was viewing content (article or diagnosis) and then goes directly to the tab of the extension, the feedback is, by default, linked to the previously viewed content.

📸 View the “Feedbacks” tab
📸 View how to link feedback to content

Feedback can be sent to either a group of people with a role → see the article 👤 Create roles - access to the features with "Global Feedback" access, or to a single person with a role with "Feedbacks" access.

To learn everything about feedback, you can consult the following page: 📣 Deal a feedback in the Hub

🔵 “Logo” tab

This button materialized by the company logo gives you access to the following features after clicking on "…":

  • 🔄 Refresh: allows you to refresh the Mayday extension. It is always the latest version of content that will be displayed automatically when the user navigates through collections or searches with the express search bar.

    Use: This button is used to do "hard refresh": It is the first reflex to have when wondering if there is a bug, it allows to reset the application cache and fix some bugs. It also allows, for example, when preferences are updated, to access the changes: I am in a group that has access to such and such content. The admins change the settings of my group, to have the new settings I have to refresh or disconnect/reconnect. Administrators decide to change the settings of users allowing them to receive feedback: to have the new list of recipients, I have to refresh with this button or disconnect/reconnect.

    Frequency: almost never except when we notice what seems to be a bug

    Impact: it allows to reset the application cache and thus to update what is in this cache (feedback recipients, access restrictions, etc.)

  • Resize: allows you to modify the size of the extension panel to adapt it to your needs.

  • Log out: allows you to log out of your Mayday account on the extension. However, you are still connected to the web page or your Zendesk application if you were using them in parallel.

📸 View access to preferences

This search bar allows you to quickly access content in your knowledge base using

  • Keywords;

  • Content labels.

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