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💫 What is Mayday ?

💡 Introduction

Mayday is the first omnichannel knowledge base that boosts your customer service!

With Mayday, your knowledge is centralized, harmonized, and intelligently redistributed internally in your contact tools or externally in an intelligent FAQ, where your users need it.

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💻 Mayday Products

1⃣ Internal Knowledge Base

Did you know? 20% of time is wasted searching for information! Save precious time by deploying the Mayday internal knowledge base!

No more scattered knowledge between Drive, intranet, or personal notes... Make the Mayday knowledge base the only source of truth for all your employees.

The Mayday knowledge base gives you access to the most advanced software for editing knowledge, processes, and operating modes so that you can benefit your employees!

Discover in this documentation all the resources that allow you to get the most out of Mayday's advanced features!

1⃣ External Knowledge Base

Did you know? 73% of users would like to find information themselves without having to contact support!

With Mayday Selfcare, create and manage a personalized and intelligent FAQ that reduces contact rates and multiplies customer satisfaction.

Discover in this documentation how to deploy a fully customized public knowledge base in less than 5 minutes with Mayday

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