📚 What you will find in this documentation

The Mayday documentation you are currently viewing will allow you to discover the features of the Mayday software suite, but also to follow our recommendations and best practices in knowledge management that we will continuously deliver through articles!

📝 Architecture

You will find 6 main collections in this documentation:

Capture d’écran 2023-02-24 à 12.03.50.pngGetting started with Mayday

Discover all our recommendations on Mayday and Knowledge Management for a performant deployment on your teams.

In this introductory part you will find generic content about Mayday, its documentation, its use on the advisor side as well as the changelog summarizing all the latest news pushed into production!

Capture d’écran 2023-02-24 à 12.04.25.png Creating the best content

Discover all our recommendations in knowledge management as well as the advanced features of Mayday to put them into practice.

In this second part, discover how to use Mayday's editing features, intelligent importers, and knowledge lifecycle management to create the most appropriate internal or external knowledge base!

Let yourself also be guided by our knowledge management advice allowing you to get the most out of Mayday!

Capture d’écran 2023-02-24 à 12.04.27.png Integrating Mayday with your tools

Discover how to take advantage of all the operational and technical synergies by integrating Mayday with your existing tools.

In this third part, discover how Mayday will be an integral part of your current tool stack. Also discover how from these integrations you can get the full potential of possible synergies between your software and Mayday through automations and proactive content suggestions in particular.

Capture d’écran 2023-02-24 à 12.04.31.pngOptimizing the knowledge base

Discover how to continuously analyze your knowledge base and collaborate effectively to continuously optimize your content.

In this fourth part, you will see how advanced features such as dashboards or the Mayday Hub will allow you to continuously analyze, pilot and optimize your knowledge base!

Capture d’écran 2023-02-24 à 12.04.37.pngManaging the account and users

Discover how to administer, customize your account and optimally define the management of your users.

In this fifth part, you will discover the possible configurations in terms of access restriction to knowledge or Mayday features for your users.

It is also in this part that you will discover how to configure Mayday, its knowledge bases and customize the interfaces.

Capture d’écran 2023-02-24 à 12.04.43.pngCreating the best FAQ

Discover how to use Mayday Selfcare to create a performant and optimized FAQ experience for all visitors to your site.

In this last part, you will discover the potential and configuration of the latest addition to the Mayday software suite, selfcare. The Mayday selfcare will allow you to create a self-service support experience for your users!

🎨 Format

In this documentation (made on Mayday) you will find 3 types of format:

  • Collections: Folder for grouping content or sub-collections.

  • 🟨 Articles: Content format for describing a feature, an action to be performed.

  • 🟦 Guides: Guide format content to guide you step by step through a process or series of actions to take!

🎯 Questions?

If you have any questions, you can at any time click on the button in the right column allowing you to address it directly to the Mayday teams!

💡 At any time, do not hesitate to send us your feedback or feedback using the satisfaction and feedback functionality after each content!

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