💫 02/14/2023 | Feedback status and history and a lot of surprises

New features

🎖 Feedback History and status

NEW FEATURE | Let your agent know the real time status of their feedback

Since the release of Mayday Hub most of you are leveraging all the power of this advanced feature to collaborate with your team and continuously improve your knowledge base based on your agents and visitors feedback. It was time for our product to give the feedback sender more visibility and reward regarding the feedback he/she sent. That's why we introduce the feedback history page!

Example of Feedback History tab on Chrome Extension

🪄 Use cases

🎯 From now your agents can see all the feedback they sent and have visibility over the feedback status (Doing, To Do, Done, Archived)

💬 Agents can also have a look to thread on the feedback so that if a feedback is still pending they can anwser directly from this interface.

👩‍💻 How to use it ?

  • Just be sure to have the last version of the chrome extension

  • Go to the feedback tab (Extension) or click on the megaphone icon (Mayday Web)

  • You'll now see two different tabs the first one to send a feedback the second to analyze feedback history

This development is part of a larger epic which consists in continuous improvements over Mayday Readers to improve knowledge access experience. Do not hesitate to send us your feedback!

🤩 Task rating

NEW FEATURE | Rate the quality of the feedback you receive and analyze your top contributors

Like on feedback is now a killer feature ! You can express your gratitude to agents when receiving feedbacks ! Based on your need our product team introduced the task rating system so that you can rate the feedbacks based on its relevancy.

Capture d’écran 2023-02-23 à 10.28.15.png

🪄 Use cases :

🎯 If you find a feedback useful, why not rating it !

👩‍💻 How to use it ?

  • Just go to the Mayday Hub

  • On each task of feedback type you'll see a new property opening the task modal

  • Rate the feedback from 1 to 5 star

  • You can edit your rating, delete it

  • The rating you'll see on the card will be the average of rating of all the editors grades.

On the next sprint, you'll be able to have the average of rated feedback of a user in the dashboards usage page. Doing so you'll have the possibility to check who are your best contributors !

🏷 Displaying content labels

NEW FEATURE | Never miss an important label on an important content

We developed content labels last year to give your user a seamless access and search experience on content. It was now time to add it to content labels on the knowledge base.

Example of article and diagnosis with cont

Example of article and diagnosis with content labels

🪄 Use cases

🎯 Having the typology of your content just navigating or browsing in your knowledge base.

👩‍💻 How to use it ?

  • Be sure you created content labels categories with labels inside

  • Add those labels to your content

  • Refresh your interface (chrome extension or full page)

  • Let the magic happen !

📊 Download search and missed search results

NEW FEATURE | Never miss a chance to optimize your knowledge base

Search analysis is a very powerful tool to help you improve continuously your knowledge base. Especially missed search analysis that give you information on which content should be in your knowledge base and are not or should be reworded to be found ou easily found. We introduce with this release the possibility to download those searchs.

🪄 Use cases

🎯 Download the search analysis or missed search analysis to perform deep dive into your data and improve your knowledge base.

👩‍💻 How to use it ?

  • Just go to Mayday Dashboards

  • On the bottom of the Content analysis page open the tables for search analysis

  • On the bottom of the table just click on the download buttom in the bottom right

If you have the smart merge feature activated you won't dowload all the keywords but merged keywords instead

🌳 Flow Chart for readers

NEW FEATURE | A new experience of consulting and navigating into diag

In Mayday you have two type of contents : articles and diagnosis (step by step guides). In order to improve navigation and consultation in your knowledge base we release the flow chart interface for agents in both Mayday Web and Mayday Chrome Extension.

Flow chart in Chrome Extension

🪄 Use cases

🎯 Discover a brand new way of navigating into diag steps

🪂 Jump from the root of the diag to a specific step in just one click

📊 Analyze the structure of the guide to have a global overview of the process.

👩‍💻 How to use it ?

  • On each diagnosis, just click on the flow chart button

  • You can zoom in and zoom out using the plus and minus button and move on the window clicking on the mini map

  • You can jump to a specific step just clicking in the blue arrow button

NEW FEATURE | Target a special part of a content and create anchors

Sometimes you need to target a specific part of a content or insert an anchor to a specific title ! That's why we are releasing the copy link to block feature.

Copy link to block

🪄 Use cases

🎯 If you want to send a specific part of a process to an editor so that he/she can check a specific portion of the process, just copy and sent him/her the link.

🌳 If you want to create a specific redirection that will scroll to an anchor in a process, just copy the link of this block, and add to text the link to create the anchor.

👩‍💻 How to use it ?

  • On Mayday Editor (both on article and diagnosis), just click on the blue handler aside from paragraph or titles

  • A menu will show you the option "Copy link to block"

  • The link has been copied into the clipboard. You can now send this link or create an anchor based on this link.

  • Anchor feature : just select a text, add a link to this text and paste the copied link. The anchor is now created.

For the moment, the copy link to block is only available for titles (H1, H2, H3) and paragraphs.

🚨 Brand new urgent notifications

NEW FEATURE | Simultaneous, real time alerts !

You can now have multiple urgent notification and a brand new interface to read it !

Urgent notification carousel on Mayday Web

🪄 Use cases

🎯 Send several urgent notifications in the same time

🚨 Use the urgent notification as an alert thread

🔔 Email notifications and new notifications

NEW FEATURE | Never miss a notification

Since notifications can be very helpful for both agents and adminitrators, we decided to add some new notifications (such as task assignation in Mayday Hub) and even more granularity if you want to receive it by email, directly in the notification center of both !

Settings of notifications in the admin console

🪄 Use cases

🎯 Regarding notification importance, select if you want to receive it into the notification center, by email, or both

📆 You can now receive notifications when you are assigned to a task in Mayday Hub !

👩‍💻 How to use it ?

  • Just go to the admin settings console

  • On the Alert and notification section, for each category activate or deactivate options !

This development is part of a larger product epic and a lot of new notifications will appear in Mayday !

💡 Displaying collection icons

NEW FEATURE | Root collections icons in the Chrome Extension

It is now possible to access your root collection icons in the chrome extension

🐵 List of improvements or fixes

🔭 Optimizations

  • 👯 Aliases on draft content

  • 📝 Possibility to switch to draft on periodic verification policy

  • 🎖 Removing shortcut of 1/2

  • 🎆 Choosing image position (center, left, right)

  • 🔍 Optimization of zoom and image display in Chrome Extension

  • 🔗 Create an inside link (mayday content) on text paragraph or title

🔩 Bug fixes

  • 🔡 Special caracter (such as < >) parsing in Mayday Editor

  • 📝 Caret (cursor) displayed in callout

  • 🎙 Double click for editing Mayday collection on Mayday admin

  • Bug fix on diagnosis progress bar

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