💫 08/01/2023 | Introducing Answer with Mayday AI in Slack

Do you want to use our brand new AI features?

We’re ecstatic to announce another major feature: answering questions with Mayday AI in Slack.
Our belief is that Mayday should be your one-and-only source of truth. That being said, we know agents tend to ask questions to each other, and end up spending valuable time answering questions with information that is - or should be - on Mayday.

With Mayday AI, you can now automatically respond to any question in Slack.

Want to try out this feature? Please make sure you have joined the Mayday AI waitlist

👉 Click here to join

New features

image.pngAnswer questions with Mayday AI in Slack

NEW FEATURE | Say goodbye to repetitive questions and let Mayday AI provide the right answer every time

With Mayday AI, agents can now instantly provide detailed answers backed by your knowledge base in 1 click, including links to relevant documents. Available in personal messages, groups, and channels!

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Using “Answer with Mayday AI” to answer whichever question you receive on Slack

🪄 Use cases

😩 Tired of spending valuable time answering process-related questions from other agents

Answering these questions is time-consuming, diverting your focus from solving customer problems
👉 Answers to these questions are available on Mayday and agents simply need to know where to look

👩‍💻 How to use it?

  • Install the Mayday Slack App if you haven’t yet

  • When hovering a message on Slack, click on “Other options”

  • Among the message shortcuts, select “Answer with Mayday AI”

  • Once the response has been loaded, you can

    • Edit the message if you wish to

    • Send the message and the reference documents

    • Send the message only

    • Send one or multiple reference documents only

🔒 Secured access to a public knowledge base

NEW FEATURE | Access to Public Knowledge Bases can now be restricted to specific users

While some public knowledge bases are meant to be accessible to everybody, others may need to be restricted to certain people. You can now choose to restrict the access to a public knowledge base and manage user authentication as you see fit.

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A user’s session has expired, based on the token expiration duration you set. They must log in again, using SSO for now

🪄 Use cases

🙅 You do not want everybody to be able to view documents within your public knowledge base

🤗 You want specific people such as clients to have access to the documents you curated for them

👩‍💻 How to use it?

  • Activate the option in your knowledge base preferences

  • Configure a token expiration period, such as 24 hours after token generation, to automatically expire user sessions

  • Establish an authentication URL for redirecting users when authentication is required

  • Congratulations! Your public knowledge base has now been successfully secured

💬 Implement Chatbots and other Custom Scripts into your Mayday Selfcare

NEW FEATURE | Custom Google Tag Manager Scripts can now be integrated into your Public Knowledge Base

Introducing a unique Mayday Selfcare portal experience for your clients/users! Now, effortlessly embed custom scripts, including chatbots, through Google Tag Manager in seconds! Elevate your portal's functionality instantly!

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Insert a GTM identifier, publish your Selfcare, and your custom script has been implemented

🪄 Use cases

😤 You are tired of struggling to find the information you’re looking for due to the amount of documents within your Knowledge Base

📁 You know a document is within a specific collection and want to find it quickly

👩‍💻 How to use it?

  • Ensure the feature is enabled for your account

  • Use the Search and view “boosted” documents within search results, based on your consultations

  • Navigate to a collection, trigger a search, and choose to filter on the current collection to view search results restricted to documents within the current collection

🐵 List of improvements or fixes

🔭 Optimizations

  • You can now duplicate a collection or document within the same location on Mayday

    • If you duplicate a collection with sub-collections, everything is duplicated and the orders are maintained

🔩 Bug fixes

We fixed a variety of bugs:

  • Some urgent notifications displayed the right title but the wrong description, leading to confusion among users

  • It was impossible to switch to Dutch or Spanish on public Knowledge Bases

  • Formatting styles weren’t consistent across users on public Knowledge Bases

  • Users with limited access to the Admin interface couldn’t go back to the Admin once on the Agent interface (Mayday Web)

  • When duplicating a collection, the order of the sub-collections were not maintained

  • Consulted Mayday documents were no longer displayed in the details modale within the Dashboard

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