💫 06/13/2023 Recent Search, Fixing Issues

Have you joined the Mayday AI waiting list yet?

In case you missed it, we made a significant announcement a couple of weeks ago: the introduction of Mayday AI.

We are thrilled to have you on board and eager for you to experience our AI features, which are comprehensively outlined here.

Don't delay any further and sign up for the waiting list today 👉 Click here to join

Meanwhile, we have worked on new features, as well as on fixing some bugs!

New features

NEW FEATURE | Mayday's search bar: Find recently viewed documents instantly. Stop wasting time searching for them!

Agents' time is precious. That's why we've made it easier than ever to access recently viewed documents. Introducing our new feature: a list of recently viewed documents right in the search bar. Say goodbye to unnecessary searching and hello to instant access.

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View up to the 5 most recently consulted documents in the search bar

🪄 Use cases

Looking for a document you've just viewed? Find it instantly in your search bar, without wasting any more time!

👩‍💻 How to use it?

  • Click on the Mayday search bar

  • View a list of up to 5 recently viewed documents, with timestamps

  • Click on a piece of content to view it

🚨 Group restrictions now apply to administrators — 🆕


As of today, group-based restrictions apply to users with editing rights. It means that these users will now only have access (view, edit, verify) to a piece of content IF it’s within the perimeter set at their group level.

As a result, some of your administrators may lose access to content they used to have access to. We remain at your disposal if you wish to receive a CSV list of all the impacted users.

For more details, please refer to the previous note: 💫 05/29/2023 | Introducing Mayday AI

This feature will impact the access to:

  • Content: a user only has access to content within their group perimeter

  • Dashboards: a user only has access to data related to content within their group perimeter

NEW FEATURE | Define the groups that have access to a newly created knowledge base

Don't create a knowledge base without granting access! With our new feature, you can select the groups with access before it's even created.

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Defining which groups will have access to this knowledge base

🪄 Use cases

🙋 Creating a new knowledge base? List down the groups which will have access to this new KB, before even creating it!

👩‍💻 How to use it?

  • Click to create a new knowledge base

  • Scroll to “Access restrictions”

  • Select the groups which should have access to the new KB

  • Validate

🐵 List of improvements or fixes

🔭 Optimizations

  • We have optimized the feedback cards, allowing users to easily switch between answers and internal notes (click elsewhere or tap on esc)

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🔩 Bug fixes

  • We fixed a bug that allowed users to have multiple user labels from the same axis

  • We fixed a bug where some usernames were displayed as “Missing user” instead of their actual names (in content settings and notifications)

  • We fixed a bug where some users couldn’t view bookmarked content in their bookmarks

  • We fixed a bug with the Smart Fusion feature in the Dashboard, which would show the wrong data after refreshing the page

  • We fixed a bug in the language dropdown within a Selfcare portal, which wouldn’t work when there were more than 3 languages

  • We fixed a bug where some sub-steps within guides were disappearing for no reason

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