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💫 11/21/2023 | Search Improvements, Optimizations, and Major Announcements for December


Hey 👋

Exciting times ahead as we approach the end of 2023 👀 It's almost like Christmas is coming early!

Over the past 3 weeks, we've been hard at work fixing bugs, fine-tuning features, and ramping up our search capabilities.

But here's the real scoop – we've got 3 major releases lined up for December and January:

  • Mayday Desk, our brand new agent platform

  • Ask Mayday, featuring Mayday’s very own GenAI

  • A fresh and revamped Zendesk application

These releases aren't live just yet, but they're right around the corner.

Check out this release note for all the juicy details on what's coming up, including a sneak peek at our search improvements (already available on the Chrome Extension) and the latest bug fixes and optimizations!

We're pumped for these releases and hope you're just as excited! 🙏

👀 Upcoming Exciting Releases

As hinted in the introduction, the upcoming weeks will feature 3 highly anticipated releases 🎉

🎨 Announcing Mayday Desk | December 6th, 2023

On December 6th, Mayday Web will become Mayday Desk, a fresh and entirely revamped agent platform 🤯

Agents will now delight in a unique user experience, effortlessly accessing Mayday documents, collaborating, providing feedback, and more! Building on the success of our new Chrome Extension, the desktop platform is aligned for a seamless Mayday experience.


Stay tuned for more details on Mayday Desk coming your way on December 6th!

🤖 Ask Mayday, Mayday’s very own GenAI feature | December-January, 2023

Mayday's mission has been the same since Day 1: provide the right knowledge, in the right spot, at the right moment. We're committed to turning this vision into reality and have chosen Generative AI to take us a step closer.

Meet Ask Mayday, our in-house GenAI feature enabling agents to ask any question on the Knowledge Base, in any language, anytime. In seconds, Ask Mayday furnishes a natural language answer, drawing from all Knowledge Base content and user access restrictions.

Kicking off, Ask Mayday will be integrated into the search engine, offering both keyword and natural language search options 🤩


Introducing Ask Mayday in the Mayday Desk Search, using Generative AI

Ask Mayday will be available in December-January, 2023. More details on this brand new feature soon!

image___tfz96lj85xlrj7qx.png A complete redesign of our Zendesk App | December-January, 2023

As mentioned above, one of our top priorities is to deliver the right knowledge in the right spot. For those using Zendesk, we understand the significance of accessing the Knowledge Base directly from Zendesk—it's a game-changer for your agents' efficiency and their capacity to deliver accurate answers promptly.

That's why we've overhauled the Mayday Zendesk App, harmonizing it with our new Chrome Extension for an enhanced and unified Mayday experience across all our products!

The new Zendesk App will be available in December-January, 2023. Visuals and more details coming soon!

New features

🔎 Enhanced Search with Most Viewed Documents and Filters

NEW FEATURE | Searching in Mayday has never been easier | Chrome Extension

We know your knowledge base holds a vast array of documents, making it challenging to find what you need. We've enhanced Mayday's Search feature to prioritize frequently accessed documents, ensuring quicker access to what you need. Additionally, you can now filter searches within the current collection for more precise results.


Most viewed documents are boosted in search results / Search can be filtered on the current collection

🪄 Use cases

😤 You are tired of struggling to find the information you’re looking for due to the amount of documents within your Knowledge Base

📁 You know a document is within a specific collection and want to quickly find it

👩‍💻 How to use it?

  • Go to the Mayday Chrome Extension

    • This feature will be able on the brand new Mayday Desk on December 6th

  • Ensure the feature is enabled for your account: contact Mayday

    • Very soon, the most viewed boost will be available as a preference in the administration settings

  • Use the Search and view “boosted” documents within search results, based on your consultations as an individual user

  • Navigate to a collection, trigger a search, and choose to filter on the current collection to view search results restricted to documents within the current collection

🚀 Optimizations and Improvements

Mayday Admin | Editor

Improved the language dropdown in the Translation feature for an optimized access to any available language


Mayday Web

Users with access to both Mayday Web and the Administration Center can simply switch between platforms with just one click.


“Go to administration center” button to switch from one platform to another

Search results

Enhancements made, particularly in French, for improved handling of accents, apostrophes, and capital letters. Search results now maintain consistency and logic even with queries involving:

  • Capital letters

  • Accents (e.g., l', d', etc.)

  • Apostrophes

  • Spaces

  • And more

🪲 Bug Fixes

  • Resolved a problem when users would click to edit an automation from the “Automations” page in the administration center and were redirected to a blank page

    • Now, users are redirected to the relevant document to edit the automation

  • Fixed an issue for users who had a limited access to the administration center and could search for documents but they wouldn’t open on Mayday Web

    • Now, users who don’t have editing rights on the administration center cannot search for documents. However, they can do it on Mayday Web.

    • Document URLs from the administration center can now be shared to agents as it will open the relevant document on Mayday Web.

  • Corrected an issue where feedback cards within the Mayday Hub weren’t displayed (infinite loading) when the author or a contributor in the feedback had since been deleted

    • Now, the feedback is still visible and the deleted user will be displayed as “Deleted User”

  • Fixed some display issues in the root collections when the title of the collection was very long

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