💫 07/04/2023 | Urgent Notifications, Bug Fixes & Optimizations

Excited about Mayday AI?

Enjoying the brand new Mayday AI features? Fantastic! 🤩

The good news is that we are currently working on new features to take Mayday AI to the next level!

For those who haven't joined yet 👉 Click here to join

In the meantime, we have focused on optimizations and fixing bugs to ensure that you can rely on Mayday 24/7 👌

New features

🚨 Urgent notifications in the notification list

NEW FEATURE | Find Urgent Notifications in the list of notifications

To enhance agent awareness of urgent notifications, we've made a significant update. Now, all urgent notifications are included in the notification list. Agents can conveniently access and view both normal and urgent notifications in one place.

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Urgent notifications are now listed in the notification list, with a to quickly identify them

🪄 Use cases

👀 You tend not to pay attention to urgent notifications in the Home page

🔔 The notification section is your go-to-place to view all your notifications, regardless of their types

👩‍💻 How to use it?

  • When receiving an urgent notification, go to your list of notifications and view the urgent notification

🐵 List of improvements or fixes

🔭 Optimizations

  • The Search algorithm has been improved to return results based on keywords relevance, meaning, but also on the number of times a user has viewed a document. Highly consulted documents will be ranked higher in search results for a user, so long as the search terms are still relevant with these documents.

🔩 Bug fixes

We fixed a variety of bugs:

  • A default empty state displayed for no reason when setting up synonyms in the Preferences

  • After opening a document through a search, if you search again and try to open the same document, it failed to open

  • It was impossible to insert emojis or mention people in Feedback Cards within the Hub

  • Display issue for the content settings when the title of a document was long

  • For guides with lots of steps, the interactive map was very slow

  • Some documents had double versions in different locations within the Knowledge Base after being moved from one location to another

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