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💫 10/31/2023 | iAdvize Integration, Optimizations, and Big Things coming!


Hey 👋

Our focus remains on fine-tuning existing features, resolving bugs, and, most notably, preparing significant changes that are on the horizon for Mayday 👀.

👀 Coming very soon:

  • Brand new AI features that will transform your navigation experience on Mayday

  • Fresh styles for Mayday Web and our Zendesk Application to align these core products with our new Chrome Extension

  • Expanded multilingual capabilities to simplify processes for our clients with global teams

The year-end promises excitement, and we're just getting started! 🤯

As we journey through 2023, keep your curiosity piqued, because 2024 is set to unveil brand-new Mayday products 🚀.

But for now, let's concentrate on the upcoming release, which will bring you transformative enhancements to your Mayday experience, and a new integration!

New features

image___hvgrdrsvbr6r4e63.pngNew Integration available: iAdvize

NEW INTEGRATION | Create and use Mayday automations on iAdvize

Please welcome a new Mayday integration: iAdvize. With this app, your agents can harness the full suite of essential Mayday features alongside powerful automated tasks. They can effortlessly explore Mayday content, access their preferred documents, provide feedback, and more, directly from iAdvize!

cleanshot_2023_10_27_at_14_00_06___ovyypssfiowkve5l.gifNavigating in the iAdvize Mayday application while viewing a customer ticket

🪄 Use cases

📚 Access your Knowledge Base directly within iAdvize customer tickets

Instantly respond to clients by automatically accessing relevant Knowledge Base documents using Mayday automations

Swiftly access your favorite content

🛎 Receive and view notifications without leaving iAdvize

📣 Easily provide feedback directly from iAdvize

👩‍💻 How to use it?

  • Activate the iAdvize integration in the Administration settings

  • Personalize your iAdvize account with a unique token

  • Download the Mayday App from the iAdvize store

  • Configure automations in Mayday's administration center, if desired

  • Begin using Mayday on iAdvize and start enjoying its benefits!

🚀 Optimizations and Improvements

Chrome Extension | UI Improvements

We have improved how documents are listed in the Chrome Extension, providing a seamless navigating experience


List Items have been improved to provide a more optimal user experience

Mayday Admin | Hub, User Table, Translations

  • Improved collaboration in the Mayday Hub:

    • Cancel your text entry by pressing "Esc" while typing an answer or note

    • Text entries will no longer be lost when clicking outside the text box; use "Esc" to cancel it


Press esc to cancel an entry in the Hub

  • Two new columns added to the User table export in administration settings:

    • "Created on" displays the user creation date

    • "Last active on" shows the user's last activity date (any action on Mayday)

    • These details are not included in the table on Mayday, but are included in the export

  • Added two new languages to the translate feature using AI:

    • Russian

    • Chinese


Translate any text in Russian or Chinese

Mayday Web

We have added a button to copy a suggested answer within a guide step


Copy a suggested answer with just a click

Zendesk Application:

  • Automatically adds a "Mayday" tag to Zendesk tickets when a Mayday document is opened to track Mayday-related tickets

  • Addressed navigation and document viewing issues in the Zendesk application following our recent release

  • Addressed UI issues with urgent notifications

🪲 Bug Fixes

  • Resolved a problem with URLs in notifications that required users to log in again after clicking on an external URL, sometimes without SSO login availability

  • Fixed the display of urgent notifications in the Zendesk Application

  • Corrected an issue where URLs didn't work when regenerating a user invitation, forcing the user to hard refresh. Now, regenerated user invitation URLs work without requiring a page refresh

  • Fixed a problem with the "Back" button in breadcrumbs within the Administration center

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